Moving to a new office is an exciting time for SPS! It signifies growth, change and new opportunities!

We are thrilled to announce that we have relocated to a new location:

BCA Braddell Campus
Block B, #02-15
200 Braddell Road
Singapore 579700

Making the transition to a new office requires careful planning and coordination. We are proud to say that the committee has put in tremendous amount of work to make the relocation as smooth as possible. We are excited to make the move and we look forward to continuing to serve our members in this new space.

We would like to thank the members for the trust they have placed in SPS throughout the years and continued support as we undertake this new exciting new chapter. We believe that our new office will allow us to  provide our members with more comfortable, well equipped facilities to boost collaboration, communication and innovation in this new environment.

SPS Publications Team